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I sat in the bath crying. I was 8 months pregnant. That’s nothing special really, I cried over so many things during pregnancy; because my husband couldn't find Heinz spaghetti hoops at the shop, because I couldn't see my feet, but that day it was because I just didn’t want to be a teacher anymore.

We had already decided that we were leaving Dubai once the school year was done. It had been an amazing four years but it was time for us to go home because that’s where we wanted to raise our family.

The only thing that I could see clearly through the tears and the bubble bath was my home growing up. Everyone says “all my life I remember”, it’s a bit cliché, but it is actually true; all my life I remember being surrounded by photographs. Photographs and owls actually. Photographs of people. Every age, every season, every event, every ‘non-event’. Mum loved photographs and I remember always loving taking them.

So in the bath, as the water was growing cold, I decided that I didn’t want to work the 9-5 anymore, I wanted to work with something I loved and spend more time with the people I care about, and the only thing I could think of was photographs.

Because my memories are filled with photographs of real moments, that’s what I love to capture. No studio to speak of, no manufactured moments. Instead, real life in motion, a studio without walls. I am a lifestyle photographer based in Swansea and I would love to capture your precious family moments.

Whether you’re about to start your family or you’d just like to remember life as it is right now, I’d love to be the one to capture those special memories for you.

Photo Credit: Cathryn Haylock (My lovely mum) Wandlebury, 1987.